Privacy Policy

1.Privacy Policy:
Any person using RummySingam or any of its features including participation in the various contests or games being conducted on this Portal shall be bound by this Privacy Policy.

RummySingam Money respects the privacy of its Users and is committed to protect it in all respects. With a view to offer an enriching and holistic internet experience to its Users. Most of the Amusement Facilities are offered for free but you may need registration to participate in RummySingam online games. The information about the User is collected by RummySingam as (i) information supplied by Users and (ii) information automatically tracked during User's navigation on RummySingam.

Before you submit any information to the Portal, please read this Privacy Policy for an explanation of how we will treat your personal information. By using any part of the Portal, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your personal information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and to the collection, processing and maintenance of this information. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Portal. Your use of any part of the Portal indicates your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and of the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. While you have the option not to provide us with certain information or withdraw consent to collect certain information, kindly note that in such an event you may not be able to take full advantage of the entire scope of features and services offered to you and we reserve the right not to provide you with our services.

a. You should ensure that you read, understand and agree with all the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement, before you create an account with us or use the Services. You should use the Services only after you have read and understood the Agreement and agree to abide by the Terms of Service.

b. We reserve the right to amend, modify or change any of the terms of this Agreement at any time without giving any prior notice. We shall notify you of such changes ("Notice") either by notification in a manner we may deem fit or by posting the amended Agreement on the website. Such modifications include the changes to any of our Game Rules. If you do not agree with the terms of the amended or modified Agreement, you must stop using the Services and must notify us that you wish to terminate your Account. Your continued use of the Services will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of the changes to the Agreement.

a. We provide the registered Users the opportunity to access and play online games of skill. We provide software and services to enable you to play the games of skill with other individuals over the internet. All tournaments, promotional games, practice games and cash games organized on the Website are collectively referred as "Games".

b. From the date and time you create your account at our platform, you get the service continuously for unlimited period till you send us a request to discontinue the service and your services are disabled by us.

c. The rules applicable to the Games are provided under the Rules section on the Website.

d. "Cash Game(s)" are Games that require the participant to have a certain minimum cash balance in their user account to participate. All other Games, if any, offered on the Website are defined as Non-Cash Game(s).

e. RummySingam charges service charge for Cash Games. The charges may vary depending on the nature of the Cash Game and are subject to change from time to time. The company follows its pre-determined valuation mechanism. The value of our services is inclusive of GST and is computed based on our monthly invoicing system. The monthly service charge is net amount debited from your account and credited to the Company’s account. The value of our services is computed after deducting any service credits given to you from the pre-defined percentage of your winnings.

4. Security Procedures:

f. All information gathered on RummySingam is securely stored within RummySingam- controlled database. The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; access to such servers being password-protected and strictly limited based on need-to-know basis. However, we understand that as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. Thus, we cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. Further, any information you include in a posting to the discussion areas will be available to anyone with Internet access. By using the Portal, you understand and agree that your information may be used in or transferred to countries other than India.

g. RummySingam also believes that the internet is an ever-evolving medium. We may periodically review from time to time and change our privacy policy to incorporate such future changes as may be considered appropriate, without any notice to you. Our use of any information we gather will always be consistent with the policy under which the information was collected, regardless of what the new policy may be. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this page, so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, how we store it and under what circumstances we disclose it.


We take the fair play of Online RummySingam very seriously. In order to prevent any fraud or un-fair play in our games or on our website - all user actions including - deposits / identity verification / rummy games / individual hands are monitored to ensure a safe, legal and fair environment for all our users. Rummy must be played as a social game, not a team effort. Every single game must be a fair individual effort. Hence, as part of the Fair Play Policy and to prevent any fraud and in game collusion, all user actions are monitored and recorded as mentioned above. We use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence extensively to monitor gameplays that checks around 40 variables in any game and identify unusual patterns of winning / losing. Such patterns are then manually checked by our teams to identify any illegal activity / cheating / fraud / money laundering. Any detection of breach of our Fair Play policy, such as and not limited to, fraudulent deposits under a stolen identity or collusion in gameplay, shall result in swift and serious action as strict as blocking the user from the platform, taken by RummySingam against the suspected user, as detailed in the section below entitled Breach and Consequences.

a. Anti-Cheating and Anti-Collusion:

i. You undertake that you yourself will play all the Games that you have registered/joined and you will not use any form of external assistance to play. You shall not add unauthorized components, create or use cheats, exploits, bots, hacks or any other third-party software designed to modify the Website or use any third-party software that intercepts, mines or otherwise collects information from or through the Website or through any Services. Any attempt to employ any such external assistance is strictly prohibited and may result in terminating your account and forfeiting your balance with us.

ii. Formation of teams and collusion between you and any other user(s) for participating in Games or any other form of cheating is strictly prohibited. This may result in terminating your account and forfeiting your balance with us.

b. Money Laundering:

You are prohibited from doing any activity on the Website that may be construed as money laundering, including, without limitation, attempting to withdraw cash from unutilized cash added through credit cards or deliberately losing money to a certain player(s).

c. Anti-SPAMMING: Sending SPAM emails or any other form of unsolicited communication on the Website or other services to benefit from any promotional program of RummySingam or for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.

d. Multiple IDs: Your registration on the Website is restricted to a single user account which will be used by you to avail our Services. You are prohibited from creating or using multiple user IDs for registering on the Website.

e. Offers: Any kind of Free money / Bonus / Special Offer / Referral benefit / Promotional Money will be offered on management’s discretion and will be given only if a user does not indulge in any kind of malpractice or fraud whatsoever. Also, it can be stopped without giving any prior notice. These may be offered to you as service credit.

f. You may not upload, distribute, transmit, publish or post content through or on the Website or through any service or facility including any messaging facility provided by the Website which

i. is libelous, defamatory, obscene, intimidating, invasive of privacy, abusive, illegal, harassing;

ii. contains expressions of hatred, hurting religious sentiments, racial discrimination or pornography;

iii. is otherwise objectionable or undesirable (whether or not unlawful);

iv. would constitute incitement to commit a criminal offence;

v. violates the rights of any person;

vi. is aimed at soliciting donations or other form of help;

vii. violates the intellectual property of any person;

viii. disparage in any manner RummySingam or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, associates, partners, sponsors, products, services, or websites;

ix. promotes a competing service or product; or

x. violates any law.

g. In the event we determine that the profile name created by you is indecent, objectionable, offensive or otherwise undesirable, we shall notify you of the same and you shall promptly provide us with an alternate screen name so that we can change your existing screen name to the new name provided by you. If you fail to provide an alternate name, we reserve the right to either permanently suspend your user account or restore your user account only after a different acceptable screen name has been provided by you.

h. You shall not host, intercept, emulate or redirect proprietary communication protocols, used by the Website regardless of the method used, including protocol emulation, reverse engineering or modification of the Website or any files that are part of the Website.

i. You shall not frame the Website. You may not impose editorial comments, commercial material or any information on the Website, alter or modify Content on the Website, or remove, obliterate or obstruct any proprietary notices or labels.

j. You shall not use Services on the Website for commercial purposes including but not limited to use in a cyber cafe as a computer gaming centre, game network over the Internet or through gaming networks or connection to an unauthorized server that copies the gaming experience on the Website.

k. You shall not upload, distribute or publish through the Website, any content which may contain viruses or computer contaminants (as defined in the Information Technology Act 2000 or such other laws in force in India at the relevant time) which may interrupt, destroy, limit the functionality or disrupt any software, hardware or other equipment belonging to us or that aids in providing the services offered by RummySingam. You shall not disseminate or upload viruses, programs, or software whether it is harmful to the Website or not. Additionally, you shall not impersonate another person or user, attempt to get a other user account information, or other private information from a user, or harvest email addresses or other information.

l. You shall not purchase, sell, trade, rent, lease, license, grant a security interest in, or transfer your user account, content, currency, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other attributes appearing in, originating from or associated with the Website.

m. Any form of fraudulent activity including, attempting to use or using any other person's credit card(s), debit cards, net-banking usernames, passwords, authorization codes, pre-paid cash cards, mobile phones for adding cash to your user account is strictly prohibited.

n. Accessing or attempting to access the Services through someone else's user account is strictly prohibited.

o. Winnings, bonuses and prizes are unique to the player and are non-transferable. In case you attempt to transfer any winnings, bonuses or prizes, these will be forfeited.

p. If you are an officer, director, employee, consultant or agent of RummySingam or a relative of such persons ("Associated Person"), you are not permitted to play either directly or indirectly, any Games which entitle you to any prize on the Website, other than your engagement with RummySingam. For these purposes, the term 'relative' shall include spouse and financially dependent parents and children.

q. You shall not post any material or comment, on any media available for public access, which, in our sole discretion, is defamatory or detrimental to our business interests, notwithstanding the fact that such media is not owned or controlled by us. In addition to any other action that we may take pursuant to the provision here of, we reserve the right to remove any and all material or comments posted by you and restrict your access to any media available for public access that is either controlled or moderate by us; when in our sole opinion, any such material or comments posted by you is defamatory or detrimental to our business interests.