
1. Player Responsibilities:
• You are held legally responsible and liable for all of Your activities on the Website from Your Log-in account (or user ID).

• By viewing or using the Website or availing of any Services including multi-player games, or using communication services including but not limited to email services or any other real time or non-instant messaging facility provided by the Website.

• Players acknowledge that they may be exposed to content posted by other users which they may find offensive, objectionable or indecent and that RummySingam may not be able to prevent such content being posted.

• Players are requested to bring such content posted by other users to Our notice that they may find offensive, objectionable or indecent. RummySingam shall remove or act upon such information in the manner as provided in paragraph above or as it may deem fit.

• The decision taken by the management on this regard shall be final and binding on the Player and the Player specifically agrees that RummySingam will not incur any liability under any circumstance whatsoever regarding the same.

• You understand and agree that We do not take any responsibility and will not be liable for any consequence that might arise as a result of You sharing Your personal information or any other information through Our communication services including but not limited to game chat, email services, or any other real time or non-instant messaging facility provided by the Website.

• You understand that it is Your responsibility to protect the information You provide on the website including but not limited to usernames, email addresses, contact details. You specifically understand and agree that We will not incur any liability for information provided by You to anyone which may result in Your account on the Website being exposed or misused by any other person or any other harm or loss being suffered by You.

• You are liable to comply with any applicable law, while taking part in any competition or tournament organized through the Website. You undertake and agree to indemnify Us against any claims, expenses or liabilities suffered by or claimed against us by any person or entity arising out of Your non-compliance with any applicable laws.

• You also understand and accept that Your mere participation in a game/tournament available on the Website does not create any obligation on Us to give You a prize.

• Your winning a prize is entirely dependent on Your skill as a player vis-a-vis other players in the game/tournament and subject to the rules of the game/tournament. To learn more about the rules, please visit Support section on RummySingam. Please read the same thoroughly before proceeding to participate in any game/tournament available on the Website.

• You acknowledge that Your participation in any game/tournament available on the Website is purely voluntary and is at Your sole discretion and risk.

• You understand and acknowledge that once a game/tournament has commenced, Your not being able to play due to slow internet connections, faulty hardware or for any other reason not attributable to Us does not entitle You to a refund of the entry fee You may have paid for participation.

• You agree, understand and acknowledge that You will use Your account with Us solely for the purpose of playing on the Website and for any other transactions with Us which You may have to carry out with respect to Your usage of the Services.

• Use or attempted use of Your account with Us for any reason other than as stated above will result in immediate termination of Your account and forfeiture of any prize, bonus, or balance accrued to you or in Your account. Additionally, We reserve the right to bar You from future registration or participation on the Website.

• You understand and acknowledge the fact that We are neither a bank nor a financial institution and that the purchases/balance standing to the credit in Your account do not accumulate any interest. You also understand and agree that Your account maintained with Us is purely for the purpose of payment of the entry/subscription fee to participate in games/tournaments made available on the Website and for purchase of cash prizes which You may win.

• You understand and agree that You cannot transfer any sum from Your account with Us to the account of another subscriber / player / registrant on the Website.

• You understand that the Internet may be an unreliable medium and it is possible that You may not be able to play on the Website due to technical reasons. You acknowledge and agree that RummySingam is not liable for any downtime, server disruptions, lagging, or any technical disturbance during your usage of the Services.

• You further understand, acknowledge and agree to the fact that if You are unable to play in any paid tournament after payment of entry/subscription fee or if a game or tournament is unable to be completed due to any error or omission attributable to RummySingam, Your remedy is limited either to:

o A refund of the amount of subscription/entry fee, which You actually paid for participation; or

o Free participation in a like value tournament as decided by RummySingam.

• You understand and agree that if a game or tournament is unable to be completed for any reason other than a reason attributable to RummySingam error or omission, RummySingam shall not be liable for any claim that You may have for potential prizes.

• You acknowledge that You are making use of the Services with the knowledge that You face a risk of monetary loss, when using the Services and that RummySingam shall have no responsibility to You for any such loss that arises in the course of your participation in the Services.

• You agree that under no circumstances shall RummySingam be liable to pay you any amount over and above the subscription/entry fee. 2. Restrictions on players:

• You shall not Yourself or through a third person or through any automated program commit any act, implied or express, which violates any intellectual property right including copyright and trademark rights in any Content. You may not reproduce any of the Content on the Website without obtaining specific written permission from Us. You shall not post, distribute, or otherwise make available or transmit any data, text, message, computer file, or other material that infringes and/or violates any right of a third party or any domestic or international law, rule, or regulation, including but not limited to: (a) copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights; (b) right of privacy (specifically, You must not distribute another person's personal information of any kind without their express permission) or publicity; (c) any confidentiality obligation.

• You shall not frame the Website. You shall not impose editorial comments, commercial material, unsolicited information or emails or any information on the Website or alter or modify Content on the Website, or remove, obliterate or obstruct any proprietary notices or labels.

• You shall not use the Content on the Website for commercial purposes including but not limited to use as or in a cyber cafe, computer gaming center, network play over the Internet or through gaming networks or connection to an unauthorized server that copies the gaming experience of the Website.

• You shall not advertise or sell any products, services or otherwise (whether or not for profit), or solicit others or use the forum of the Website for commercial purposes of any kind.

• You agree that You will not post or transmit through or in any manner on the Website any defamatory, threatening, obscene, harmful or pornographic material or material which would violate or infringe in any way upon the rights of others (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality, or rights of privacy) or cause offense, distress or inconvenience or which do not comply with all relevant laws.

• You will not upload, distribute, or publish through the Website, content which may contain viruses or computer contaminants which may interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality or disrupt any software, hardware, or other equipment belonging to Us or that aids in providing the services offered by RummySingam.

• You shall not, through any service or facility including any instant or non - instant messaging facility provided by the Website, promote the Services of any third party including websites which may be providing Services similar to RummySingam.

• You shall not intentionally disrupt other users or discussions by repeatedly posting the same message or through excessive posts.

• You may not impersonate another person or user, attempt to get a other account information, or other private information from a user, or harvest email addresses or other information. In the event We have reasonable grounds to believe that Your actions include any of the acts specified above, We may initiate appropriate legal proceedings against You as well as notify the relevant regulatory or law enforcement authorities where appropriate, apart from suspending or terminating Your privileges for the use of the Website.

• You may not host, intercept, emulate or redirect proprietary communication protocols, if any, used by the Website regardless of the method used, including protocol emulation, reverse engineering, modifying the Website or any files that are part of the Website.

• You may not add unauthorized components, create or use cheats, exploits, bots, hacks or any other third-party software designed to modify the Website or use any third-party software that intercepts, mines or otherwise collects information from or through the Website or through any Services. You may not upload or post any content on the Website other that content that you are required to post or upload in order to avail of the Services.

• You may not purchase, sell, trade, rent, lease, license, grant a security interest in, or transfer Your user account, any Content, currency, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other attributes appearing in, originating from or associated with the Website or by using any Services.

NOTE: In addition to the right to initiate appropriate legal proceedings against You as well as notify the relevant regulatory or law enforcement authorities, We reserve the right to remove and delete any objectionable material and content from the Website.

3. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity

1. The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss, injury, or damages (direct, indirect, incidental or any other kind whatsoever) arising from, or in connection with your use of the Services, the Site or the Software.

2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Agreement, you agree that our maximum aggregate liability for all your claims against us, in all circumstances other than for valid Redemption of any Cash Balance in your Account, shall be limited to Rs. 2,000/- only.

3. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any claims, actions, suits, damages, penalties, or awards brought against us by any entity or individual in connection with, or in respect of your use of the Services, the Site or the Software.

4. Disclaimer

1. The Company expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability for any harm resulting from:

1. Your participation in, or cancellation, of any Game.

2. Any activity or transactions with third parties, whom you may have connected to through the Services, the Site or the Software, and

3. Any User-generated Content, including any violation of intellectual property rights with respect to such User-generated Content.


1 - In order to use the Services, a User must register for two separate virtual accounts (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Accounts") in the manner as provided in detail under Section 6 of this Agreement, and truthfully and accurately provide all mandatory information.

2 - In order to participate in Practice Games you must be at least 18 years old and competent to enter into a contract.

3 - In order to participate in Cash Games, you must satisfy the following criteria at all times:

a). You must be at least 18 years old, and must not suffer from any disability or impairment which would prevent you from assuming the responsibilities contained in the Agreement, or from participating in the Games which are offered as part of the Services.

b). You must be a resident of India,

c). You must satisfy yourself that it is legal for you to participate in Cash Games in the specific jurisdiction from which you are accessing the Services.

d). You are not a resident of any of the following states: Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Orissa, Sikkim, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh ("Restricted Territories").

e). You are not logging in from any of the following states: Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Orissa, Sikkim, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

f). You must possess a valid Aadhar number, which will be associated with your account and which you will provide to us upon request.

The 'Eligible Territory' is defined as being the territory of India excluding the states of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Orissa, Sikkim, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. 'Cash Games' are defined as being any games or tournaments which are part of the Services and require the User to maintain a non-zero cash balance ("Cash Balance") in their Accounts and includes online Rummy. Any game other than a Cash Game made available by the Company through the Platform or the Software is defined as a 'Practice Game'. All Cash Games and Practice Games shall be collectively defined as 'Games'.

4 - Users who do not fulfill the above criteria are expressly barred from participating in Cash Games, and would not be entitled to receive any prizes which they may win as a result of participation in Cash Games.

5 - You understand and accept that by viewing or using the Platform or availing of any Services, or using communication features on the Platform, you may be exposed to content posted by other Users which you may find offensive, objectionable or indecent. You may bring such content posted by other Users to our notice that you may find offensive, objectionable or indecent and we reserve the right to act upon it, at our sole discretion, as we may deem fit. The decision taken by us in this regard shall be final and binding on you.

6 - The user agrees and acknowledges that he/she can only access the game from territories that are not classified as Restricted Territories. Any access to our website or mobile application by the user from a will amount to a breach of our terms and conditions. This will lead to permanent blacklisting, deletion of the Username and closure of Accounts and also forfeiture of the entire Cash Balance, without any prior notice to the User. Further, such actions are also a breach of applicable laws for which the User shall be solely liable to penalties (monetary and penal) under applicable laws. The Company is not responsible for the consequences on the User for illegally accessing our platforms by breaching our security protocol.

7 - You agree and acknowledge that you are not a politically exposed person.

8 - You agree and acknowledge that you have not been convicted for any crime.

9 - You agree and acknowledge that you are not on the UN Sanctions list or works for a company that is on the UN sanctions list.

Conclusion and fraud Prevention

In order to ensure fair play for all users of the Services, the company has taken steps that will prevent you from colliding with other players in order to win/lose or otherwise determine the outcome of a game. By accepting the Agreement you agree that you will not play any game in partnership with or by communicating with other players to give undue benefit to you or other players. In case a player is found to be involved in such activities the Company has the right to withhold the Cash Balance in your Accounts and to cancel and close the Accounts without any communication to you. The Company retains the sole right to determine what constitutes collusive or fraudulent activity in relation to the Services, and its decision in such matters shall be final. In the event the Company finds collusion, fraud or any other unfair practices, it has the right to cancel any such Games, block the players from playing together on a table for a specific duration of time and/or refund the points/amounts involved in any such Games.

6. Modifications and Alterations:

• RummySingam reserves the right to alter or modify these Terms at any given time without giving prior notice to You. Your use of the Website and/or any Services offered constitutes Your unconditional acceptance of these Terms.

• RummySingam reserves the right to suspend, add, modify or discontinue any or all Services available on the Website at Our sole discretion at any time without giving You prior notice.

• In such an event, You agree and acknowledge that We will not incur any liability in this regard, either to You or any third party.


All content and material on the Website including but not limited to information, images, marks, logos, designs, pictures, graphics, text content, hyperlinks, multimedia clips, animation, games and software (collectively referred to as "Content") whether belonging to RummySingam or not, are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. In addition, we are free to record and use, in any manner whatsoever, all chat content, images, emails, recommendations sent by any member or user while playing rummy, as they form a part of the Content of RummySingam. The Website may contain information about or hyperlinks to third parties. In such a cases, we are not responsible in any manner and do not extend any express or implied warranty to the accuracy, integrity or quality of the content belonging to such third party websites. If you rely on any third party Content posted on the Website which does not belong to RummySingam, you may do so solely at your own risk and liability. If you visit any third party website through a third party Content posted on the website, you will be subject to terms and conditions applicable to it. We neither control nor are responsible for content on such third party websites. The fact of a third party link exists on our Website is not an endorsement of that website by us.


When RummySingam presents information to it's online advertisers -- to help them understand our audience and confirm the value of advertising on the Portal -- it is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages within our site. When you register with Rummy Real Money, we contact you from time to time about updating your content to provide features which we believe may benefit you.

Several deceptive emails, websites, blogs etc. claiming to be from or associated with Rummy Singam may or are circulating on the Internet. These emails, websites, blogs etc. often include our logo, photos, links, content or other information. Some emails, websites, blogs etc. call the user to provide login name etc. or that the user has won a bonus or provide a method to commit an illegal/unauthorized act or deed or request detailed personal information or a payment of some kind. The sources and contents of these emails, websites, blogs etc. and accompanying materials are in no way associated with RummySingam. For your own protection, we strongly recommend not responding to emails or using websites, blogs etc. We may use the information provided by you to RummySingam, including your email address or phone number, to contact you about the Amusement Facilities or other services availed by you or to inform you of our Amusement Facilities and services.